Friday, February 22, 2013

iZettle Launches Wireless Chip & Pin Device, Starts Taking Visa And Partners With Santander

piniZettle ? what you might call the 'Square of Europe' given it's also a dongle-based mobile payment service for small merchants ? will now launch a new Chip & Pin device alongside its existing solution that currently uses a customer's signature to interact with the iZettle app. It will also now accept all major cards, including VISA. Until now iZettle has been unable to allow VISA transactions (there was a workaround but it was too complex), meaning many vendors were put off from using the payment dongle. The Chip & PIN reader will be available in Sweden, Norway, United Kingdom, Finland, Germany and Spain. The move comes amid rumours tha PayPal may be making a move into this space in the near future.


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